Decided this

fitness.realtyDecided this was the one I would put out in the open, not my best, not my worst. Bag work, that my instructor can critique. I would have thrown in…

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Honestly Honestly I have the best clients!!! Huge thank you to Bret and Alisa. Many wishes and great blessings I send your way. I hope you have the most fruitful…

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A night of christmas A night of Christmas tunes!! A wonderful date night. Thanks to my sweet bride for snagging the tickets. Love you. #love#tabchoir#nightout#datenight#nokids#hotbride#sweetbride44w

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Who is that beast Who is that beast? Today's range time was so fun!!! Thanks Colin. We promised that next meeting we would do some work.....never. #everydayisarangeday#guns#range#gunvault#380#burningholes45w

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Merry Christmas

fitness.realtyMerry Christmas!!! This is one of my awesome clients back porch decoration. We had so much fun chatting last night, thanks so much homie. Also this is one creepy decoration...…

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Oh satellite office

fitness.realtyOh satellite office!!!! Help my swing stay good through the winter.#groove #office #getsome #bestchipsandsalsa #booyah #love these peeps #theytakesuchgoodcareofme44wnickvstrongSunrise Burger 🙌🏾44w1 likeReplyView replies (1)

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Eve Echoes Come play Eve echoes with me. It's time consuming and fun, and the game depth is huge.Best phone game yet. #eveechoes#eve#games#notimetosleep44w

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