Oh boy
fitness.realty Oh boy!!! Having fun, just chilling! I'm on break its ok.#piday#videooftheday#socialdistancing#drill35w
Platinum baby!
fitness.realtyPlatinum parking!!! Sweet.#topgolf #bestbayhostsever36wkeo4thewinGangsta35wReplyfitness.realtyThanks homie!!!35wReply
fitness.realty We are in an emergency status with this virus... That means you can park however you want to. Don't be that guy. #thatguy#parklikea#ohboy#mediatoldhimto36w
fitness.realty This is freaking hilarious!!! #safety#funny#osha#violations36w
Get to the gym
fitness.realty Get your gym time in people!!! Booyah. Save yourself from succumbing to the Corona virus when you do get it. Notice I said when, not if.... #getsome#dontholdback#gymtime#love#coronavirus#videooftheday36w
I have the best clients!
fitness.realty I have the best clients!!! Honestly this is so freaking cool. Huge shout out to them. Thank you so much. Best custom gift ever. We tend to create exceptional…
Hold on to your toilet
fitness.realty Hold on to your toilet paper!!! Home showings shouldn't be worried about locking up any guns or gold...only this.#shegone#toiletpaper#coronavirus35w
Stay vigilant
fitness.realty Stay vigilant! She might have had Corona virus. #pieface35w
This is for my homie!
fitness.realty This is for my boy Peter Graf! #pmfg#crawlers#rocks#travel35w