Just earning

fitness.realty Just earning this bad boy!!!! Just wanted to say thanks again! Realtors make it happen, well good ones do...I had an angry neighbor call me today, and after we…

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Next Marketing

fitness.realtyNext marketing strategy!!! Booyah. Thanks Koleton for the idea. I will have to add that to our 70 point marketing strategy.#marketing #fullsend #sales #homesforsale #realtor34wnickvstrong😂😂😂34wReplycwebster1307😂😂34wReplyfitness.realtyThanks all y'all! Isn't this just freaking funny.34wReply

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Oh boy

fitness.realty Oh boy!!!! It's a family event!! Now I need Diablo to be more than four players.#family#schoolnight#games#popcorn#girlgamers34w

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Gold Vault

fitness.realtyGold vault!!!! Oh yeah boy.#diablo3 #family #fun34wcatnipandtacosWHY WOULDN'T YOU INVITE ME?! 😢34w1 likeReplyfitness.realtyYou're always invited, check this out though too... Summer wanted in now, sure felt left out. I'll put it in…

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Happy indoor

fitness.realty Happy Indoor Sunday to everyone!!! Do your part people, sit on the couch. Netflix isn't going to watch itself... #family#electronics#games34w

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when an out of state

fitness.realty when an out of state buyer calls you and has a 400k budget and wants you to manage their property for them...booyah. SLC is still en fuego.#thedrop#fire#slc#saltlake#realtor#growing35w

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Coolest Dude

fitness.realtyOne of the coolest Saudi leaders I've ever met!!! Long time friends.#saudi #relationships #friends35wcarlssodaI’m guessing this is an old picture.35wReplyView replies (1)

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Awesome Review

fitness.realty fitness.realty This is one awesome review!! I'm honored, thank you so much. Bridey could potentially become the next top producer in Utah county, so many connections, and so much…

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Huge Thank You!

fitness.realty Huge thank you to Shane!! Great working relationship and I hope to grow it even more in the future.#fitnessrealty#review#anotherone#transaction#closinghomes#lakeshore35w

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