Can I get a booyah Can I get a BOOYAH?! Today is gonna be a fabulous day. If you don't feel the good vibes running through you....time to spend more time with me. I…

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Red face, veins out Red face, veins out!!!! You know you got worked in class when you end up looking like this. Huge thanks to Koleton for the grappling and BJJ instruction. #bobbylawrencekarate#sandy#needmoreadults#message me…

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I just wake up I just wake up...grateful to be alive. Grateful for everyone I get to share this life with. Booyah! #promo#bangenergydrink#fitnessrealty#sellinghomes#gotime#getsome#lovelife#energyiscontagious#smiling26w

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Might be the last night

fitness.realtyMight be the last night of the beard!!! No, boo.#beardpower it's all gone.26wmechelmybellNooooooooooo26w1 likeReplyView replies (1)monsieur.candeeBring back the stash!!26w1 likeReplyfitness.realtyDude that stash was so good!!!! I totally should26wReply

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Lets take a look

fitness.realtyLet’s take a look at some of the current real estate trends, because in Utah Valley, the Parade of Homes is currently going on. There are some stunning homes to…

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Lets start this monday Let’s start this Monday off with a little bit of motivation! This quote by Darren Hardy hits home, because in my experience, there’s no doubt that my trial in…

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Told my clients

fitness.realtyTold my clients they can't buy this house! Lol#sorrynotsorry #byu #utah #holywar26wcmjaxinTotal deal breaker26w1 likeReplyHide RIGHT!!! I totally my offer would be they pay all closing costs and remove the Y before closing…

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