Lets start a discussion

fitness.realty Let's start a discussion... If you are in sales and you don't feel comfortable asking the tough questions, I came up with a way to sit in an uncomfortable…

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I know cheesy

fitness.realtyI know cheesy! But this open house is rocking. 1694 N 2615 W, Clinton. Come by today before 2pm.#clinton26wmonsieur.candeeStud 💎26w1 likeReplyView replies (1)

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Be a kid again!

fitness.realty Today is Be a Kid Again Day. It has me thinking about my childhood and some of my favorite things. The first thing that popped in my mind was…

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One of the quickest ways to

fitness.realty One of the quickest ways I motivate myself and remind myself of goodness, is with quotes. I love the wisdom and encouragement I usually find by reading some quick…

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National Fried Chicken Day

fitness.realtySo today is National Fried Chicken Day. It’s also National Kissing Day. So here’s the question – would you rather have some delicious fried chicken, or a delicious kiss from…

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Ah yeah!

fitness.realtyAh yeah! Boom.#sausage #traeger27wdixieyardgamesSend some our way!27w1 likeReplyHide repliesfitness.realty@dixieyardgames they were so so good!!!27wReply

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Up Early

fitness.realty Up early! Happy 4th of July everyone. Love you all, and may God bless you. #god#rememberkindness#freedom#love27w

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