30 day plank challenge!

fitness.realty 30 day plank challenge starting now. Join us for this sweet kick off. I'm not gonna change any of my normal daily habits except this plank challenge. I won't…

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Well crap…!

fitness.realty Well crap! Not parking in the garage. Who bought all that stuff? Yard sale at the new house, might need to. #newhouse #newproblems 28w

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fitness.realty#karate #bobbylawrencekarate #sandy #koletontrainsmeWe have so much fun, and get a good workout. Honestly, wanna feel more fit...try a karate studio. Plus where else can you spar, hit things with sticks, and kick…

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Do good, Be good

fitness.realty Do good, be good. Do the best you can! Love ya, let's have a wonderful day. #love#is#the#answer#greatday#dogood#begood#havefun#ifyaaintlivinyerdying24w

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Weight loss goals

fitness.realtyWeight loss goals!! Fitness Realty helps everyone try to get stronger, better, faster, thinner, bulkier, whatever your goals to make you a better person, we try to aim for that.Also…

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